For his transgressions, the gods set a task upon Sisyphus that would stall and frustrate him throughout the ages. He was told to roll a large rock to the top of a steeply pitched hill. However, the rock was enchanted so that it would always roll down to the bottom as it was about to reach the apex of the hill. According to Greek myth, Sisyphus is still assigned to this frustrating task. He will be rolling the boulder to the top of the hill only to watch it roll back down again for eternity. The story of Sysiphus is referenced in The Odyssey by Homer.
Some people believe that the story of Sisyphus was used to explain the rising and setting of the sun, that is, that constant work represented daily solar movements. In this interpretation of Sisyphus, his rock represents the sun, rising just to the top of the sky every day only to sink back down again and submit to darkness before rising once again.
Like many others in the cast of characters that comprise Greek mythology, Sysiphus has been invoked in artwork and literature many times. The great 16th Century Venetian painter Tiziano Vecelli, who is generally known simply as “Titian,” devoted an entire canvas to Sisyphus in 1549. In Titian’s painting, Sisyphus is wearing a white loincloth and an earth-toned sash about his waist. Instead of rolling the rock, he is struggling upon its weight on his shoulders.
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